“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will”



Who is she?

Hey sunshine(s)!

I’m Alexis and this is my blog.

It took me 3 weeks to write that sentence

I’m a natural conversationalist, lover of all things chocolate, music enthusiast and a very proud dog mom. I find the most joy in talking to people about what it is life is throwing at them, how they’re overcoming those issues and learning new ways to navigate through this thing called life. I’m known for asking a million and one questions, talking a mile a minute, and always snapping a photo of something (it’s the millennial in me, photo or it didn’t happen). Beyond my lofty career and education goals I hope to, one day, be the cool lady in the neighborhood that cooks for and opens my doors to anyone in need, to be the shoulder to lean on and cry with and for my home to be known as a safe space to be yourself and always know you are loved. I guess you can say my life’s goal is to be like my Nana.

Why the blog?

You could say I started this blog to have a space to write all of my thoughts down without having to burden anyone with my infamous 3 hour phone calls… you wouldn’t be completely wrong. In truth, I started this blog because life can be really hard and feeling like you’re the only one in the world thinking or feeling the way you do, makes it just that much harder. I’ve learned a lot along my journey through life so far but I’m still learning and I know the benefits of finding like minded people, reading their stories and feeling less lonely in my struggles. So, I wanted to pay that forward by sharing all of the things I’ve learned and been able to see and do with the world because it proves, that no matter how hard life gets, you can still keep going.

What am I going to find here?

A BLOG!…duh?

“sharetheamorr” is a play on my name, Alexis Maria Orr, and it translates to “share the love”. So that’s what this blog is all about! I’m sharing my love for self-love, everyday life tips, good food that makes you feel good and tips to curating the perfect playlist for every mood. This is a safe space to share, love, laugh, maybe cry and continue learning to find your little victories in everyday life. Check in every week for updates to get the latest and greatest.

All my love,

Alexis Maria