Here’s What you Missed

My Life is a Netflix Series: Seasons 1-3

If you’ve been around for a while, you know I’ve been THROUGH life with love and lack thereof for as long as I can remember. It’s taken me time, and will continue to take even more time to figure this love thing out.

One of my favorite people once told me that our lives were like a Netflix series and each year we’ve been giving the viewers (y’all) a whole lot to talk about! Ever since then, we’ve added new seasons and season 3 just had quite the grand finale with a wild cliff hanger. Unfortunately for you, dear readers, I didn’t document seasons 1-3 via love letter to the World Wide Web, but I did document it via photos and videos. So as time goes on, I may bring some snippets back from the vault and give you a taste of what you missed, but for now, you’re picking up a new show (for some of you a familiar one) at season 4, episode 1.

Because y’all need some context and some of you, much like me, are the person on the couch asking your partner what the hell is going on and why one character is mad at the other, knowing good and well you both started the show together with the same information… Here’s a very tiny bit of background on what you need to know. The TL;DR if you will.

Season 1:

After taking some time to grow and heal from her divorce, Alexis enters back into the dating world. Kissed a few toads, adopted the worlds cutest puppy, moved into a new apartment and found love in a hopeless place. For those of y’all still in the streets, you know what I’m talking about.. It’s miserable out there.

Season 2:

Alexis and her love interest hit a beautiful stride, overcame quarantine, school and work all while navigating this very surprising relationship. (I also got into business school on a full ride, went on the best vacation I’ve ever been on, shoutout Tulum, made some incredible new friends, and other cool stuff but let’s focus on the hi-lights of “love”)

Season 3:

Alexis takes this show on the road and goes back to school while trying to juggle her relationship and navigating a new town. Time and space get the best of them and the season ends with them having a conversation about how this next season is going to be the craziest one yet. But all Alexis knows is season 4 is for her and her only. No love interest, no getting swept off her feet, just her, her dog & a whole lot of fun. (We’ll reflect on season 3 in a separate post.. lots of lessons learned here)

Now, to the lovely friends and fans who’ve been here since season 1 and all the other iterations of this show before hand, bare with me while I tell these stories. You’ve been there through the heartbreak, you’ve held me as I cried and you’ve comforted me as I’ve pieced myself back together. So, with your grace and understanding, I’m going to live this season to its fullest, make all the mistakes and learn along the way. While I reminisce on seasons 1-2 and wish with all my heart that season 3 ended differently, I’m going to choose to remember the beautiful love that exists because of it. Last season was rough, and boy did we go through quite the ride, but season 4 is looking mighty promising. I’m hoping, Alexis taps back into her summer 2016 era and remembers just who she is, if you were there you know.

I know you’re probably wondering why I’m writing this and to be honest, I’m not sure I’ve got it fully figured out. Writing and music bring me a lot of comfort and allow me to appreciate how far I’ve come. There are a lot of incredibly exciting things happening in my life and I’ve accomplished some insanely impressive shit (tooting my own horn), but in staying true to who I am and as open a book as I’ve always been, my love life is the one thing I still haven’t concurred in these (almost) 28 years. I don’t think I’ll solve it anytime soon and I’m no longer trying to. Ya girl is f*cking tired. What I do intend to do, is reflect on all the lessons I’ve learned, the tears I’ve cried and the stress I’ve put myself under trying to get it right. I’m gonna write some blogs, dance around my kitchen to Renaissance for the 45th time, take myself on dates/trips, go on hikes with Teddy, discover some new recipes and find the joy in the little things again.

If you’ve made it this far, it’s likely because I write a really compelling story and you’re excited to see what happens next, or you’re an ex hoping to find yourself featured in this series (you probably will, just stick around), OR you’re just really nosey and hope you learn whatever dirt you need on me.

Whoever you are, welcome! This is me, Alexis the beautiful mess, and this is “My Life is a Netflix Series- Season 4”

all my love always,

-Alexis Maria


We’re All a Villain in Someone’s Story